Is Attention All That You Need?

The metaverse is a new way to capture attention.

Michel Kana, Ph.D


Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

Why is Microsoft entering the race to build a collaborative platform for virtual experiences, just days after Facebook rebranded to Meta in a push to build virtual spaces called metaverse? I was curious how this relates to attention and why getting attention is so crucial to us. Let me start with a fairy tale.

Bafou was a young man, who believed, he was the most beautiful human in the universe. Every day he would cross the nearby forest in order to reach to the nearby lake. He would then bend over the lake and spend a lot of time admiring his beauty as his face would reflect over the water.

One day, while doing this, he fell into the water, drowned himself and died.

As the lake started complaining and bursting into tears, the surrounding trees from the forest asked the lake: “Why are your crying?”. The lake answered: “I am crying because Bafou is dead”.

The trees replied: “You shouldn’t be crying! We, the trees, are the ones who should be in great pain, because every day, when Bafou was passing by, we wished, he would have stopped for a moment, and would have dared looking at us, so that we could also have had a chance to admire his beauty. You had him all the time at your shores!” The trees continued



Michel Kana, Ph.D

Husband & Dad. Mental health advocate. Top Medium Writer. 20 years in IT. AI Expert @Harvard. Empowering human-centered organizations with high-tech.