Is There Really Life Beyond the MAGA Puddle of Perception?

John Worthington
6 min readApr 17, 2024


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We human beings are just captured way too often by our imaginations. I think it’s pretty easy to step into that puddle. You looking for where and how that happens? Just take a little peek into the goings on in Washington since Congress has returned. Nothing much has changed and they’re still swimming in the same puddle they were in when they went on break, which is not the least bit surprising. The reason they’re swimming in circles, though, looks like they’re being led in circles by two mental giants or maybe two otherworldly multiverse travelers. Whatever they are, they don’t do much unless you count swimming in circles as some kind of accomplishment.

One of the space cowboys is Don Poorelone who is swimming in water over his head poking his nose in national legal wrangling about foreign surveillance and keeping our treaties even though he is not an elected official-which makes it none of his beeswax. Yeah, yeah, I hear you. It’s true he was elected, but then so was Barack Obama. Barack isn’t demanding that anyone do what he wants. I know you want to claim that Barack is really in charge and Joe is too old and decrepit to do anything for himself. But you have to admit that he is not on national television standing next to the Speaker of the House demanding that the border be closed right now, this very instant. I don’t hear Barack bitching…



John Worthington

As a published author/teacher, I draw on those experiences in my writing and use satire to introduce spiritual concepts through a contemporary political lens.