It is Tough to Live an Interracial Life in the Racist World

What does it Mean to be Different? — It is all about Fitting In!

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Photo by Max Bender on Unsplash

Racism is unmistakably wide of the mark. Anyone who respects individual sovereignty would also condemn racism and discrimination based on typical profiles of traits among people. But it has been rooted within the communal human being right from the establishment of modern societies. It is still persistent, and I think it will even exist in the future. Of course, some communities will resist racist behavior, yet others will embrace them.

Contrary to what many believe, racism is not a disease; nevertheless, it is the symptom of a significant systemic condition that nurtures from inner security breakdown; a personal status that seeks the approval and empowerment of others. It is the mental craving to fit into a group of people with similar traits. Once accepted by the group members, it will also ensure no one else is admitted within their fictitious circle.

But what if a person does not fit in any prevalently available profile?

Some tend to hold that racism only belongs to white people. So, if that is the reality, how come a child of a physically contrasting couple finds it hard to select a profile in which they fit?



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In this vast tapestry of existence, I weave my thoughts and observations about all facets of life, offering a perspective that is uniquely my own.