It’s No Ordinary Day, It’s Your Awesome Opportunity!

Choose the day you want to have

Randy Wolken
Curated Newsletters


Today does not have to be just another ordinary day.

With the challenges we now face, it may actually feel unlike the days you were used to prior to this pandemic.

In fact, for many people, each day brings on the fear and anxiety they have come to know all too well.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

You get to choose how your day happens.

How we begin our days and live our days is up to us.

No one and no situation gets to dictate our attitude towards today and our lives. We do.

It’s entirely up to us.

However, we need to acknowledge this reality, accept it, and seize the opportunity.

Lesson to Learn

We choose our attitude and actions on a daily and minute-by-minute basis.

No one else gets to make these determinations.

When we choose to be upbeat, excited, determined, and action-oriented, we get to be all those things.



Randy Wolken
Curated Newsletters

I write to educate and inspire. President & CEO of MACNY - The Manufacturers Association with over 300 company members in New York State. Visit