It’s Not A Scam — I Am Just Like You

Life can be a struggle. I had been without a job for months and the landlord was not happy — he wanted me to pay rent but I had no money. I would be kicked out if I didn’t find some soon.

Jens Peter Olesen


My girlfriend left me two months ago and it shows. I used to take pride in my clothes and hair but I became sloppy. I didn’t have the energy. Life can be hard.

I Want To Work

My mother and father are good folks. He worked as a mechanic all his life. He never advanced but he did okay and provided well for his family. Back then a family could do fine with just one income and I never felt we were poor but of course, by today’s standard, we were a bit poor — we only had one old car, a small house, no flying on vacation, no huge tv or anything of those fancy things everyone has today. But that was the situation for all the families where we lived.

I had a nice time in school but my mother always said I was more creative and that the school was not my thing. I left with fairly okay grades and easily got a job at a storage facility. My job was to fill the trucks coming in. The job started at 11 pm and was finished by daybreak.



Jens Peter Olesen

I write about what I see and feel and think about. A graphic designer by trade and full time traveller. +