It’s Not FAIR!!!

And that, Cupcake, is the good news.

Remington Write
Curated Newsletters
5 min readNov 27, 2020


Photo Credit — versageek / Wikimedia Commons

We are born with an innate sense of justice. Even a two-year-old is quick to wail when getting one less cookie than her sister.

“It’s not FAIR!” has to come out of more mouths on this planet than anything other than the word “NO!” (or “I want more”). We think that equity, fairness, and the even playing field are of paramount importance. All of us. You do, too. And what is the universal response to come out of every responding parent?

Nobody ever said life is fair!

You’ve heard it. You’ve said it. The only reason I haven’t is because I had the incredible good sense, and good luck, not to procreate. As to that other universal utterance, “it’s not fair!”, that one had a shelf life for me. I abruptly eliminated it from my vocabulary when I realized that if life was fair I’d be — at the very least — in the penitentiary. Or dead.

It’s a damned good thing that life is not fair and you’re as much a beneficiary of that truth as anyone sleeping indoors or eating only the stuff they like each day.

Deny it if you like, but if you’re honest you can think of at least ten different times in your life when you got over. When fair went by the wayside and you didn’t even pause to wave. We’ve all been on the winning end of the…

