It’s Time for Baby Boomers to Exit the Political Stage

Elections and Governing are About the Future, Not the Past

Phil Rossi


René DeAnda

Despite the recent physical, verbal, and cognitive wobbling, President Biden remains steadfast and defiant. Determined to helm his campaign, win re-election, and oversee a successful second term. I want to believe the president and support him.

Outside the expected vitriol from the far right, I think Biden has done a commendable job, worthy of re-election. From my vantage point, I feel reassured and optimistic, despite my concerns of an elderly man facing the challenges of old age.

As a Generation Xer, I’m also confused and dissatisfied. Flustered with what is happening, where we are, and how we got here. I share the angst, concern, and malaise of my own and subsequent generations.

I listen to younger people daily. Do these sentiments sound familiar?

“I can’t believe these are our choices. These guys will be dead during the most consequential years of my professional life, while I’m stuck navigating their legacies and policies.”

“These two are older than my grandfather. What do they know what’s best for me and my future that I don’t?”

“I have nothing in common with either candidate.”

