3 Tips to Achieve the Best Outcome, No Matter What Lands in Your Lap

Do you have a back-up plan when life throws you a curve?

Jill Reid
Curated Newsletters
5 min readSep 22, 2020


Our lives are a sum total of the choices we have made. — Wayne Dyer

Do you have a contingency plan for life? Should you?

For many of us, change happens on a daily basis

And for the most part, we’ve become accustomed to relying on our automatic response system taking over — trusting we’ll make the right decisions and choices with in-the-moment clarity and on-demand precision.

But when we find ourselves facing situations over which we have no control — and discover our personal crystal ball doesn’t have the power to determine an outcome with any degree of accuracy — we can easily end up in an overwhelming state of distress and worry.

That’s when conventional advice recommends deferring to Plan B — those predetermined guidelines, options, and people we can turn to when something in our life delivers significant and unwanted change, without notice.

The real value in creating a Plan B?

Believing we’re mentally, emotionally, and physically ready for whatever life throws our way gives us a sense of confidence…



Jill Reid
Curated Newsletters

Author of Real Life | Discover Your Personal Truth | Life in Small Doses | Please God, Make Me A Writer| JillReid.Substack.com | JillReidBooks.com