Are Your Personal Conditional Terms Keeping You From Success?

Compromise is the name of the game for a win-win outcome

Jill Reid
Curated Newsletters
3 min readOct 19, 2020


I’ll be glad to do that, but only if …

Yes, I plan on showing up, as long as …

You can count on my participation in the seminar, but only if I’m the keynote speaker …

Seemingly straightforward statements — until you realize there’s an underlying contingency in the person’s willingness to participate.

Self-imposed barriers and obstacles can quickly become roadblocks to success

And they could be the very reason you’re not achieving your goals.

Even worse, those who insist on framing their actions and objectives with self-serving terms and conditions typically find themselves playing an individual game — without a support team or a strong foundation of trust.

Because compromise is the name of the game.



Jill Reid
Curated Newsletters

Author of Real Life | Discover Your Personal Truth | Life in Small Doses | Please God, Make Me A Writer| |