
6 Plain and Simple Reasons Why I Choose to be “Not Fancy”

Maintaining subjective ideals of perfection is exhausting.

Jill Reid
Curated Newsletters
4 min readDec 4, 2020


According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, there are several definitions of the word “fancy,” including the following:

“an image or representation of something formed in the mind”
“imagination, especially of a capricious or delusive sort”
“to believe mistakenly or without evidence”
“devotees of some particular art, practice, or amusement”
And if you happen to be an animal or plant: “ bred especially for bizarre or ornamental qualities that lack practical utility”

It’s quite a list — and a lot to consider and digest. Which is why I’m not fancy.

Fortunately, I learned long ago what direction my personal preference leaned.

And it definitely wasn’t toward the fancy end of the spectrum.

While an easy choice to consider, the decision wasn’t made lightly. Societal approval, peer pressure, and the lure of being one of the chosen few — particularly those who receive glitzy party invitations — typically…



Jill Reid
Curated Newsletters

Author of Real Life | Discover Your Personal Truth | Life in Small Doses | Please God, Make Me A Writer| |