John Constable’s “The Lock”

Art, Mind and Passion.

Dr John Frederick Rose


The Lock at Flatford Mill, on the River Stour in Suffolk(1824) by John Constable. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Lock at
Flatford Mill,
Painted by
John Constable 1824,
Visited lock in 1973
during time as
Junior Engineer at
Fraser and Chalmers
part of GEC in
Erith England.

Shivering in
soaking rain,
Holding Constable
comparing scenes,
Essence captured by
Constable still there,
Modernity hidden in
wet clinging
English mist.

Flatford Lock today. (

Constable painted
several views of
Flatford’s lock and
surrounding district,
Constable’s unrivalled
passion and skill
shown in every
brush stoke.



Dr John Frederick Rose

Love poetry, forests and my garden. Managing health by diet and exercise. Interested in ideation, social and technology interactions.