John’s Happy Recipes.

Serious Diet Control Can Be Fun.

Dr John Frederick Rose
Curated Newsletters


Balancing diet, exercise and activities. Diagram by John Rose. Images from MS PowerPoint in public domain.


My wellness story focussed on how I tried to balance diet and activities through knowledge informed decisions. Family food traditions that we enjoy together form the basis of all my recipes. It’s far better and easier to build on something familiar than to start with new “suspect” recipes.

Breakfast Muesli.

My breakfast is seemingly simple, but, it’s rich in memories and thought. For many years, I felt as though I had not got the ingredients balanced, despite my careful blood glucose testing.

One day, I walked past a bakery’s display of fresh pies. They seemed most inviting until I remembered my grandmother’s apple pie. Thoughts connected and suddenly I had the idea to turn my breakfast muesli into a homage to my Grandmother’s pies!

Evening Meal

Evening is my time to relax and reflect on the day’s events. Egg-based meals are my preference for evening repasts. I have never forgotten a frittata made for me…



Dr John Frederick Rose
Curated Newsletters

Love poetry, forests and my garden. Managing health by diet and exercise. Interested in ideation, social and technology interactions.