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King, the German Shepherd-Wolf Dog

While this was more than 50 years ago, I remember this story like it was yesterday

Julius Evans
Balanced Growth
Published in
7 min readNov 12, 2021


Photo by Dariusz Bargiel from FreeImages.

As a logical adult, I am not sure where we, as children, come up with some of the things we believed, but as sure as I sit here today, I believed that King was a German Shepherd-Wolf dog. That’s how we identified him. That’s how we described him. And more than 50 years later, that’s what I still believe today.

But let me first tell you who ‘we’ were. Me, Tony, Ernesto and Juan called ourselves a gang. We did mischievous things like grabbing cars door handles and sliding on the snow and ice in the winter until the driver stopped and chased us away. We would sometimes throw rocks at cars passing beneath us. We had the advantage because we were on an overpass. There was no way they could catch us, even though some did try. Once, while out shining shoes to make money, me and the guys happened upon a giant garbage can that sat near the back door of a bar. A beautiful, shiny Corvette was also parked in the alley near the back of the bar. In our infinite wisdom, after finding a roll of price-stickers in the garbage, we decided to cover the Corvette’s windshield with the stickers. Just as we had finished our work, the bar door opened and this huge white guy…



Julius Evans
Balanced Growth

3X Top Writer in Reading, Music & Movies— Senior Editor for the popular ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curated, Readers Hope, and several other publications.