Learn About the Mechanisms of Pyroptosis; Its Implications and Medical Uses

🧬Peter Marino, M.S. CHC CPT🧬
3 min readMay 22, 2024
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A study called “NINJ1 mediates plasma membrane rupture by cutting and releasing membrane disks” by Liron David et al., published in the journal *Cell*, explores the role of the NINJ1 protein in mediating plasma membrane rupture, a process crucial in pyroptosis and other lytic cell death pathways.¹

What is Pyroptosis?

Pyroptosis is a type of programmed cell death that is associated with inflammation. Unlike apoptosis, which is a non-inflammatory form of programmed cell death, pyroptosis is characterized by cell lysis, leading to the release of pro-inflammatory cellular contents into the extracellular space. This process is part of the body’s innate immune response and serves to combat infections, especially by intracellular pathogens.²

Key features of pyroptosis include:

Activation by Inflammatory Caspases: Pyroptosis is typically initiated by inflammatory caspases such as caspase-1, caspase-4, caspase-5 (in humans), and caspase-11 (in mice). These caspases are activated by inflammasomes, which are multi-protein complexes that respond to pathogenic and danger signals.³

Formation of Gasdermin Pores: Once activated, these caspases cleave gasdermin D, a protein that forms pores in the cell membrane. The formation of these pores leads to cell swelling, membrane rupture, and the release of intracellular contents.⁴

Release of Pro-inflammatory Cytokines: Pyroptosis is often associated with the maturation and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and interleukin-18 (IL-18), which further amplify the inflammatory response.²

Role in Host Defense: By causing the death of infected cells and the release of inflammatory mediators, pyroptosis plays a crucial role in the body’s defense against infections, particularly bacterial infections. However, excessive pyroptosis can contribute to inflammatory diseases and tissue damage.³

Below are the key implications and potential medical applications by learning more about how to utilize this natural process within the body.


1. Mechanism of Membrane Rupture: The study reveals that NINJ1 mediates membrane rupture by forming oligomeric structures that cut and release membrane disks, differing from the gasdermin-mediated pore formation typically associated with pyroptosis.¹

2. Structural Insights: Cryo-EM analysis shows that each NINJ1 subunit includes amphipathic and transmembrane helices, forming chains that create concave hydrophobic and convex hydrophilic surfaces upon activation. This structure is vital for its function in membrane fragmentation.¹

3. Live-cell Imaging: Live-cell and super-resolution imaging techniques have identified ring-like NINJ1 structures on the plasma membrane, which are released into the culture supernatant, further supporting the unique mechanism of membrane rupture.¹

Potential Medical Applications

1. Targeting Cell Death Pathways: Understanding NINJ1’s role in membrane rupture can aid in developing new therapies targeting pyroptosis and other forms of programmed cell death, potentially leading to treatments for inflammatory diseases and cancer.[¹]

2. Drug Development: The structural knowledge of NINJ1 can facilitate the design of small molecules or antibodies that modulate its activity, offering new strategies to control excessive cell death in conditions like autoimmune disorders or chronic inflammatory diseases.[¹]

3. Diagnostic Tools: The specific detection of NINJ1 activity could serve as a biomarker for certain diseases, providing a diagnostic tool to assess the presence and progression of diseases involving aberrant cell death.[¹] By advancing our understanding of the mechanisms underlying cell membrane rupture, this study opens avenues for innovative medical therapies aimed at controlling cell death in various pathological conditions.


¹: David, Liron et al. “NINJ1 mediates plasma membrane rupture by cutting and releasing membrane disks.” Cell, vol. 187, no. 9, 2024, pp. 2224–2235.e16. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2024.03.008.

²: Bergsbaken, Tessa, Scott L. Fink, and Brad T. Cookson. “Pyroptosis: Host Cell Death and Inflammation.” Nature Reviews Microbiology, vol. 7, no. 2, 2009, pp. 99–109. doi:10.1038/nrmicro2070.

³: Jorgensen, Ine, Manish Rayamajhi, and Edward A. Miao. “Programmed Cell Death as a Defence Against Infection.” Nature Reviews Immunology, vol. 17, no. 3, 2017, pp. 151–64. doi:10.1038/nri.2016.147.

⁴: Man, Susan M., Rajendra Karki, and Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti. “Molecular Mechanisms and Functions of Pyroptosis, Inflammatory Caspases and Inflammasomes in Infectious Diseases.” Immunological Reviews, vol. 277, no. 1, 2017, pp. 61–75. doi:10.1111/imr.12534.



🧬Peter Marino, M.S. CHC CPT🧬

Owner, Health Coach, DNA Coach, and Personal Trainer / Online Personal Trainer for www.PoshFitness.com. M.S. in Biotechnology.