Let’s Decolonize our Brain

We grow mutilated, as the right zone of our brain is surrounded with a police tape

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Mockup Graphics on Unsplash

We are handicapped by design, we have been culturally mutilated of half our brain. Our access to our spiritual part has been condemned by making us believe that reality is only material and limited to our five physical senses. Any incursion into the imagination and our spiritual field has been blocked by systematic training in our schools, our works and our families.

Our mind has been colonized.

Why do we have so many problems with addictions, irrational behaviors, violence, suicides…? Simply because this mutilation makes us powerless, unhappy and leads us on a never-ending thirst. We have lost the connection with the rest of Creation.

We have transformed the Earth into an industrial farm, they have developed that part of the brain that produces material goods to the detriment of the Human.

This race for money and rationality is totally irrational.

Imagination is the path that allows our spirit guides to communicate with us. Imagination and the right brain is what gives us human fulfillment, the happiness of being connected with the rest of creation. It is where we get the insights and inspirations that are like shortcuts to understanding our situation. We find there the happiness to create. Let’s decolonize our brains.

Now this race is leading us to our own destruction.

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Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Curated Newsletters

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirer, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to. https://lefildar.gent/en (in English--en, French or Spanish --es)