Let’s Talk About When Black People are Called Racists

Breaking down the myth of reverse racism

Jeanette C. Espinoza


Photo Credit: mvslim.com

‘For the revisionists, racism is prejudice plus power leveraged at an institutional level to maintain the privileges of the dominant social group.’ (Hoyt, Jr., C, 2012)

As an anti-racism writer, I’ve been called a racist more times than I can count. There’s something about a Black woman speaking on her personal trauma and telling her story of being Black in America that is highly triggering.

It’s intriguing, but far from surprising, that gutting racism like a fish by using descriptive words to slit it right down the middle and expose the bones that lie beneath its scaley, slimy surface would touch a few nerves within the dominant population.

No one wants their dirty laundry aired out for the world to see. If that were the case, there would be no need for hampers or laundry rooms. We would just leave our dirty clothes exactly where we took them off and not bother to clean them up when visitors arrived at our homes.

But much to the horror of white people, Black people just refuse to stop talking about racism. I was recently on a social media platform reading comments on a friend’s post about the racial climate in this country, and I started following a feed between a few white women who…



Jeanette C. Espinoza

Mom of 2 amazing humans | Author of 3 books, including Rock Your Crown - Amazon.com| Speaker | Activist | Creator of Jeanette’s Jewels www.jeanettecespinoza.com