Self, Philosophy, Spirituality

Life-Improving Blueprint for More Authentic, Impactful Daily Journaling

2000 years ago three Stoics mastered the art of self-reflection

Lee Nourse
Curated Newsletters
6 min readSep 23, 2020


I started writing daily in a journal about 40 years ago. Back then my purpose was to record my thoughts, experiences, and responses to those experiences. What locked me into the act of journaling back then was the multi-layered benefits.

Today, 40 years later, I can honestly report that I’ve discovered even more purposes and benefits of keeping a daily journal. But whatever your purpose is, the practice can make a marked impact on your life. I would go so far as to say, in fact, that benefits can be life-changing. A few of those benefits are…

  • Track your emotional responses so that you can know yourself better.
  • Express your thoughts so that you can gain clarity.
  • Write stories, poems or just creative ideas so that you keep a record of them.
  • Vent any negative emotions so that you don’t carry anxiety over negative experiences.
  • Express positive emotions so that you can get perspective on what made you happy. Then you can plan to repeat whatever led to happiness.



Lee Nourse
Curated Newsletters

Grief and its Transformative Power -- I help people who've lost loved ones view grief as a door to transformative growth.