Live Better Than Pain-Free

Curated Newsletters
6 min readDec 28, 2020


Wellness is empowering

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The most straightforward task is a challenge for a cluttered mind. Try sitting still in silence and counting backward from 100 to 1. It should take about a minute and a half, but the mind experiences time much slower when stillness is not an established routine. Silently counting is a mindless task unappreciated by the busy mind.

While stress is a normal part of our lives, prolonged stress threatens optimal living. The over-reliance on external stimuli can be a response to emotional stress. Having healthy ways to address stress safeguards us from stress rising to a level of distress.

Emotional distress is the absence of emotional wellness. It is not a total absence but a gap. When the gap becomes wider and wider, distress threatens our everyday functioning, and mental health issues arise.

Facing Stress

Stress is our internal alarm system that is normal in everyday living. The physiological symptoms warn of potential harm. We could fail if we don’t do well on the exam. If we don’t find a job, we won’t be able to pay our bills. Forgetting something important in your relocation process could affect your finances. The physiological indicators of our potential for failure signal us to try our best.



Curated Newsletters

Empowerment Psychologist, writing to change the world one story at a time. Author/Poet/Public Speaker. Learn more at