Living In The Past Can Be More Addictive Than Drugs

Living in the past is like an addiction. If you stay where you are, eventually, you will end up slowly destroying yourself.

Romina Aswani
Curated Newsletters


Image by pixel2013 from Pixabay

Yes, it’s easier to stay and live in past memories than to decide to let go. But if we don’t let go, we will be wasting the short life we have.

Isn’t it worth facing the pain to have a new and more valuable life? Don’t you deserve it?

I can guarantee you that living in the past can be more addictive than drugs. It’s not worth it. Hear me out. The pain will eventually pass. You must go through it and, not only will it disappear, but you will come out stronger.

Indeed, I feel you…letting go of the past hurts. You don’t have to believe that its possible to do so without suffering.

Of course it hurts!

You are letting go of something that will no longer be in your life. Be it a person, a job, a dream, a stage… In any case, you are saying goodbye to something forever. The level of suffering depends on your willingness to become someone better.

Here you can find some useful tips which helped me to get started and make the decision. Anyhow, it’s important to understand that there are no magic formulas or…



Romina Aswani
Curated Newsletters

Once you wake up and smell the coffee, it’s hard to go back to sleep