Social media is engineering addiction

Loneliness — Social Media Exploits Your Need of Validation

I can decide to go alone because I am never alone.

Eugene Terekhin
4 min readApr 25, 2018


Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash

According to G.K. Chesterton, truth is paradoxical. It’s so hard to believe that the problem of loneliness is actually rooted in too much interaction — and our need of validation.

But this is what Sean Parker’s uncanny insight seems to suggest. Sean Parker is the founding president of Facebook.

He explained in an interview why it’s so hard to resist the impulse to constantly check your social media — even while you are driving.

He shared how social media gradually hook you up.

“When Facebook was getting going, I had these people who would come up to me and they would say, ‘I’m not on social media.’ And I would say, ‘OK. You know, you will be.’” Now that this prediction is more than fulfilled, the question is even more intriguing.

How did they do it?

Sean explains that the founders used basic human psychology — our need for approval. Social media are nothing but a social-validation feedback loop.

It works like this — the moment you contribute some content and people like it, share it or…

