Los Angeles has More Issues to Deal Within its School System

The virus has a vaccine, but this issue has existed for centuries.

Tom Handy
Curated Newsletters


Racism image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

As the year started, many schools opened up allowing students to return to school except Los Angeles is facing some issues. Approximately, 43% of Black parents decided to keep their children home due to racism, bullying, and low academic standards.

Black parents were able to see how their children were treated by their peers and instructors while kids learned at home, and in some cases, saw a system that did not benefit them,” the report said. “Many of the same parents who saw that their children seemed to learn better and thrive emotionally away from school now question whether it is in their child’s best interest to return to campus.”

A Los Angeles Unified Parents survey asked 500 parents about their child’s progress. The results raised some new concerns as 96 Black parents gave the real reason they kept their child home from school.

This loss of faith in the public school system will have long-term repercussions,” the report said. “The only way to undo the damage of the pandemic is to dramatically reimagine how the public schools system serves its Black students.”



Tom Handy
Curated Newsletters

I ghostwrite articles for FinTech executives. Seen in Morning Brew, Money magazine, & Who's Who. Get my free email course https://tom-handy.ck.page/5bc47f9d15