Making Magic with Your Writing

A writer’s pad is like the wand of a magician

Jonathan Isbill MS, RD, LD


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Do you like magic? Do you like to be mesmerized by a mighty performance that takes you to another place of pondering how when all logic and reason seem to bow to the will of a good magician. A writer’s pad is like the wand of a magician.

Taking the audience to another world outside of our own reality is precisely what fictional writers fancy. You know, that moment when you as a reader forgot you were actually reading because you were so enamored in the story being told by the reader that you just lost yourself along the way. You were able to escape with the help of the grand magician who penned the page that granted you passage through the simple-looking, dingy and dusty wardrobe into the mythical land of Narnia.

Modern day film and movie project give us a glimpse of what it is like when a good story evokes a strong performance on the big screen. But before the box office, the story has to be written, rewritten, and edited again. The magic act has to be practiced over and over again before the director and producer could see the story coming to life, let alone casting the right people to do their best at playing the role of characters developed with the help of the original author.



Jonathan Isbill MS, RD, LD

Holistic Health Writer, Author, Dietitian, Coach | Dedicated to serving others | Subscribe for My Free Weekly Health 📝