Master Bao and the Running Man

Real wealth is peace of mind

Tom Hanratty
Curated Newsletters
5 min readNov 22, 2020


Fan Zeng artist (b 1938) on Unsplash

A tale from the Tang Dynasty (618–907 CE)

Master Bao rode his great ox, Xi, along a high mountain road in the province of Han-Yung. His pupil Ping strode alongside.

“Soon, Ping, we will be in the village of Yuen Chi known for its twin lakes, and bountiful fields of grain.”

“With two lakes for fishing and fields of grain, the people of Yuen Chi must be very happy,” Ping said.

“Yes, Ping. There is plentiful food. When drought strikes the rest of the province, the water from the lakes is used to irrigate the fields. It is a very content village.”

“Will we be stopping at an inn, or sleeping beneath the stars tonight, Master?”

“The Inn of Quiet Repose is noted for its vast vegetable garden, as well as its clean rooms. It is there we will spend the night. We should be seeing the twin lakes before too long. The village is set on a strip of land between them.”

About an hour later, the road leveled off and ran between two large lakes. Several fishermen in small boats were busy working with their tame cormorants. Soon, the travelers were on Yuen Chi’s crowded main street, walking among well-dressed merchants and bare-footed farmers in their simple…



Tom Hanratty
Curated Newsletters

Scribbler of stories, lover of mysteries, retired Forensic Investigator and Tracker of critters.