Michael Tom Dillon

And his big auld haunted house

James G Brennan
Curated Newsletters
2 min readNov 12, 2020


Photo by Celina Albertz on Unsplash

Michael Tom Dillon with a healthy ruddy face
Would stride past the family home
Here in Drummond Bellanagare, the west of Ireland.

Rising cane in hand with a big auld smile
And a warm mornings welcome,
lived in the big auld house up the road and Then a cut in some.

It was a spooky road come dusk, not a road you would walk alone,
Something me Father would take delight in
Warming us up with ghost stories prepared the night before.

Me Father, sister and I approached this auld stone Irish house
Overgrown with weeds and ivy, its character adding to the setting
Just right for our ghost story.

Michael Tom Dillon welcomes us with delight,
Visitors to his home are not so many these days.
It may be summer but the auld open fire is welcome
In this big auld Irish home suitably ripe for our ghost stories!

Michael Tom Dillon offers us seating in old wooden chairs
As off he goes to make us some tea,
A cue for me Father to play with our young imagination.

He taps the wooden floor for an echo, a fiend look of
Surprise as he shakes his head as though beneath us
A secret well kept.

On Michael Tom Dillons return me father asks all the right questions
Carefully planted in our curious gullible minds
To add to the mystique of Ireland’s folklore, beloved the tales
Of ghosts in auld houses ready to rattle our spines
Underneath our tingling skin.

Uncontrollable Hairs standing up on the back of our undoubting necks
Shivering in anticipation of the fright that never came.
Almost to a vague disappointment not facing the fantastical unknown.
At least a tale you could take away with you and say in earnest,

The tales of auld all told are true!

Thank you, Dr Mehmet Yildiz and the ILLUMINATION-Curated team for giving my words a platform 🙏 Thank you all for reading and your precious time as always. J. 🙏



James G Brennan
Curated Newsletters

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.