Mississippi Medicaid Expansion Program and its Healthcare Challenges

Curated Newsletters
4 min readJul 2, 2021


It boils down to 21st-century Healthcare Infrastructure

Photo by Mark McGregor on Unsplash

Medicaid expansion program is one of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) provisions enacted by the late president Barack Obama in 2010. The provision mandates the state’s Medicaid healthcare coverage to those citizens who fall within 138% of the federal poverty line and are up to 65 years of age. But in 2012 supreme court ruled that states can not be forced to expand their Medicaid program. That is wherefore, as of January 1st, 2014, only 39 states have fully adopted and implemented the Medicaid expansion provision. Twelve states refused to adopt, and the state of Missouri adopted; however not implemented.

Mississippi is amongst the states that refused to adopt the Medicaid expansion Provision

In April 2021, Upon public demand, the Mississippi Secretary of State approved a 2022 Medicaid expansion ballot initiative. Nonetheless, the plan was suspended by the organizing committee within one month on May 19th. The decision was followed by Mississippi supreme court ruling delegitimizing the state’s entire ballot, stating that the ballot initiative process was inoperable. Despite being the key issue in 2019, the Medicaid expansion is likely to fail as the Republican Governor…



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