Money, money, money!

Our enriched-world is impoverished by greed

Paul Myers MBA
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Joshua Rondeau on Unsplash

Your Sibling tried to balance you
Before family tried to non-violence you
To our despair
Greed was there

Be aware!

Money seemed to drive you
Blood-bond was devoid of you
Like an affair
You flourished there

Be aware!

Broken and avoid of you
Kin divide said of you
Tend to hair
Is this fair?

Be aware!

Cloaked by Lady so fair
No extent would you dare
Gar gasped for air
How you dare

Be aware!

Peter will be there
To forgive your affair
Lend an ear
To the green, you bear so dear

We are aware!

Photo by Juliane Liebermann on Unsplash



Paul Myers MBA
Curated Newsletters

Top writer in Business, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Startups & Innovation. Interested in all things E-commerce and more ---