Mr. and Mrs. Smith You Can Now Choose The Color Of Your Baby’s Eyes And The Kind Of Supreme Athlete You Want To Raise

If you complete the last section, you can also choose the IQ

Llewellyn (Lew) Daniels
Curated Newsletters


“We can use it to figure out how to use gene editing tools in the right gene, in the right organism, including human beings.”

When she said that, I paused her TED talk. Did she just say they can now edit genes with that kind of precision? Even in human beings?

There was a word that popped into my mind from absolutely nowhere.

What was the word?

Her name is Jennifer Doudna. She is a biochemist who spent the majority of her career in a laboratory, conducting research on topics that most people outside of her field have never heard of. She, however, became involved in a cutting-edge field of the life sciences over the past ten plus years, a field whose advancement cannot be contained within the confines of any academic research facility.

Jennifer Doudna first heard about CRISPR in 2006 from her colleague, Jill Banfield, who pioneered the breakthrough technology of metagenomics. On June 8, 2012, Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier published their paper on CRISPR-Cas9, and from then on, the technology became available…



Llewellyn (Lew) Daniels
Curated Newsletters

I write about Technology, Digital Processes for SMEs & Solopreneurs, Personal Mastery and the injustices of our World. Top Writer on Medium.