My Mother’s Insecurities Resulted in My Own Self-Hatred

If she thinks that of herself, what must she think of me?

Kay T.
Curated Newsletters


You may think I’m biased when I say that my mother is truly beautiful. But for as long as I can remember, my mom has been showered with compliments from everyone around us. Loved for her ability to be so selfless, admired for her fit physique and desirable features, complimented on her clothing, and cherished for her humor. People have always told me that I look just like her; sometimes I can see the similarities.

But my mom has one major flaw; she is very self-conscious.

She would change her outfit at least three times before we left the house, finally settling on one that ‘didn’t show off her belly.’ When she would say something humorous that resulted in laughter, she would blush and try to retract her statement, afraid that we were laughing at her instead of laughing with her. Her friends always envied her physique (she’s a personal trainer), and when they would admire her she would push back. A compliment of her toned arms would be met with ‘oh please, these flabby bingo arms?’ A mention of her slim waistline was never believed, which was evident by the shake of her head and folding of her arms; ‘please, I still look pregnant!’

