My Prediction About Schools During the Pandemic

Have I been accurate?


I do not have any magical powers that enables me to mysteriously peak into the future to uncover great mysteries. While I have a close relationship with the Lord and am willing to follow Him when He guides me, I do not profess to be appointed as a prophet by God who shares His special messages to humanity. I am just a humble educator, family engagement influencer, and mom. Writing is a big part of what I do. The messages that I share are not flamboyant. My words are just straightforward.

As a writer primarily committed to advocating for increased family engagement in education, I write according to the passion that resides within my heart. I allow facts derived from reliable and valid sources of data to guide my words. Insight overshadows me as my perspective is honestly presented.

The number of cautionary articles that I have published in recent months related to schools reopening prematurely during the pandemic are far too many to count. Nonetheless, my opinion has been chronicled. I stand by my belief that the schools that reopened their doors for in-person learning and instruction will need to close again and resort to an online format as they did when the pandemic began. This is because covid-19 cases have been drastically…



Dr. Deborah M. Vereen-Family Engagement Influencer
Curated Newsletters

Retired principal and professor who writes about motherhood, parents, education, positive school partnerships, Christianity, relationships, and family