My Rural Family Is Going to Vote For Trump

And it’s important to me that you understand why

Citizen Reader


Photo of a building dome with American flag in front.
Photo by Joshua Sukoff on Unsplash

Link added by the author 4/10/24. This article in The Progressive says exactly what I am trying to say below, but better. PLEASE read it.

I grew up on a farm in the Midwest, as the youngest in a family of six kids.

My oldest brother still farms. Fifteen years separate us and I’ll be the first to tell you that, although I love him, there’s a lot about him I don’t understand.

He’s a lifelong bachelor, I think primarily because he recognizes that relationships take time, and he doesn’t have time to give because his first love is working on the farm. He watches and gives money to PBS. He can build or fix almost anything. He was a great student and my Dad was disappointed when he chose not to go to college. Once, when we saw my Mom carrying a dead plant out to the burn barrel (when you live in the country, you burn your trash on a pile or in an old metal drum barrel), he asked me, “Can’t she do anything to help that plant? I just hate to see little green things die.”

I don’t understand a lot about my brother. But I kind of understand why, if he votes this November, he’ll be voting for Trump. And I think it’s…



Citizen Reader

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