My School Choice Is the Right Choice

And the fit is perfect.

Photo by Tomas Yates on Unsplash


For parents like me who value the PA Distance Learning Charter School along with other charter and cyber charter schools that their children are enrolled in, what is going on in the state of Pennsylvania is troubling. Governor Tom Wolf is advancing Regulation 6–349 as his agenda to change the structure of charter schools. Instead of these schools operating as independent entities as they were originally intended to, he desires for them to become more accountable and transparent. Simply stated, the Pennsylvania Governor wants the structure of charter schools to become more aligned to the uniform structure of traditional public school districts.

To me, this erroneously implies that the leaders and educators who have taken the initiative to develop and provide a high-quality learning alternative for the students and families they serve cannot be trusted by the governor as well as those who have aligned themselves with his perspective. This is more deeply interpreted as the State Department of Education assuming an autocratic disposition with charter school entities because professional autonomy and freedom are removed.

This proposed change means controlling charter schools to the point that the systems of innovative and alternative educational…



Dr. Deborah M. Vereen-Family Engagement Influencer
Curated Newsletters

Retired principal and professor who writes about motherhood, parents, education, positive school partnerships, Christianity, relationships, and family