My Scottish Fantasy

Listening to the Scottish Fantasy by Max Bruch.

Agnes Laurens
Curated Newsletters
2 min readNov 12, 2020


Photo by Gary Ellis on Unsplash

The landscape is bright and shiny
Green, up and down walking paths
Rainy and with too much mud
Sunny and dry in the Summer

Beer in the pub after the first half of the walk
Poured too much alcohol into your body
Vaguing the path to the end of the road
Bending over your hiking partner a lot

Laughing out loud after that heavy beer
Cheering up the whole crowd of people
While you set the last footsteps on that ground
The last path between all the green ground

Idyllic villages where you see the flowers
Hanging on these houses in different colors
Still loud and dizzy from that Scottish beer
Fantasizing about that ideal lifestyle there

Walking through the biggest city sober
You think why chose that path drunk
While you realize that it is brighter
After your sober thoughts and going back



Agnes Laurens
Curated Newsletters

Agnes Laurens is a writer. She writes for the local newspaper. Agnes lives in The Netherlands, with three daughters.