What is Existential Phenomenology?

2 min readMar 13, 2021

What does it mean to be human?

Photo by Chris Wojcik

Existential phenomenology emphasizes the ability of humans capable of determining their individual experiences through freedom of choice. The viewpoint that explains humans can design their own meaning of life through decisions. Through their gift of rational or irrational decisions, they will partake in the implications that come with the effects of their actions.

Existential phenomenology is complimentary to sociology (the study of human behavior, relationships, social culture, and interactions and patterns that exists in day-to-day life). It opens up the possibility of future theories of social existence through observation of a human’s freedom of choice.

Existential phenomenologists all share the perspective that the philosophy should not be focused on detachment and disengaged approaches like practitioners of Buddhism.

It makes its presence in the world independently to our knowledge. The phenomena have disclosed their appearance only to those who discover and determine what it is to them. It is what it is regardless of our comprehension. The experience of observing the phenomena of free will only appear to those who engage in the world.

The knowledge of the universe always speaks in an abstract and derivative form of sign-language.

The existential phenomena may show themselves best when we do not have them at the forefront of our minds. We engage with the phenomena to cope with our lives within everyday practices while experiencing life as a human in this world.

If one thinks we can explicitly make itself manifest from our awareness, then the idea of an existential phenomenon might seem paradoxical.

Though the foundation of it is to view the number of ways it can show itself to us. An immaterial entity, and without the cognizant ability to articulate, can only be grasped by thought. It makes it difficult to manage and convert the concept into an identifiable term relative to the extent of our awareness.

I find myself dancing in between wonderment and skepticism when it comes to the mechanics of the universe's works. One thing I know for certain is, no one truly knows. Your guess is as good as mine.

What do you think about our existence? What’s your perception of our ability or lack thereof to have “control” of our finite presence in this world?




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