Self Improvement|Life Lessons|Spiritual growth

New Year Resolutions…

Self growth or just another to-do list

Neha Sandhir S
3 min readDec 29, 2021


Photo by Julia Larson from Pexels

To some, these words-’New Year Resolutions’, might seem like a convoy of three fairly difficult words to comprehend & make a list of. To some, they might be the easiest to-do list made at the end of the year, but eventually a tedious task to follow through for the rest of the year.

For me, they lie somewhere in -between ! Every New year, I have some wonderful resolutions penned & with all the enthusiasm, I hold this list, awaiting the first day of new year. But sometimes, with a little complex nature of my resolutions, my fun & enthusiasm gears down & eventually there’s no more follow through with it.

This year, I have decided to spice it up a little bit & get a breakthrough from the monotonous way of making some New year resolutions in my list.

I’m excited to share some raw ideas with you !

In my humble opinion:

  • New year resolutions should never feel like tasks, rather they should eventually feel like a way of life, something that fills your heart with excitement and drive to accomplish it
  • They should include ideas/goals to make one a better soul & grow as a person, as a human being



Neha Sandhir S

Passionate Mother-Reiki Healer-Entrepreneur-Educator-SeniorEditor-Ayurveda-Yoga enthusiast-Masters in Business/Technology-Journeying through Spiritual Growth🌻