Nights in White Satin

A song it has taken over fifty years to mean something

Liam Ireland
Curated Newsletters
3 min readDec 4, 2020


Rumana S on Unsplash

In 1967 a certain nineteen year old wannabe pop star wrote a song full of wisdom far beyond his relatively tender years. To this day the lyrics to that song ring true and have served as a guide to me during many difficult times, but none more so than now. What's more the song became an evergreen staple of my own humble offerings as a performing artist.

The song in question is none other than Nights in White Satin by Justin Hayward. And one of the the standout lines for me is "Letters I've written, never meaning to send."

Post divorce, not once but twice, I wrote everything down in the form of a journal and as a series of letters. In my case it was always my intention to send those letters to my ex's. I had hoped to elicit at the very least an apology for the wrongs done to me and our children, but I realised that both of my ex's were buried up to their armpits in denial and that any attempt by me to set the record straight would be totally fruitless. If anything such letters would simply serve to pour fuel on the flames.

Eventually, I didn't send any letters, though I did keep them for whatever future use I might find for them. I am now of the mind that the best future use would be to burn them. One day, one day.....

