Note to Self !… The Best Advice I Ever Got

And I finally started listening

Stuart Englander
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Jake Young on Unsplash

Every one of us goes through this. There’s no shortage of advice either. Most of it is free, and we know what that’s worth.

Wait though. There are a plethora of real experts who will steer you in the right direction. These are the times when you need them the most.

You recall a phrase quoted from Napolean Hill. He seemed to have a gem for every situation, and he’s always come through. This one fits best.

Don’t Procrastinate. Don’t Stand Still. Attack.

How right he is. Time to make a move.

I drag myself into my chair and sit down in front of my screen. Then I tell myself…

“So go ahead. Start.”

There’s nothing to ponder about. Put your head down, and write.



What do you mean there’s nothing there? There’s always a there, there.

Ah yes, the excuses.

I can’t get motivated today, I have nothing to say, and everybody’s favorite, I’m a fraud, a sham. I have no talent for this.

The grand triumvirate! Self-doubt, self-pity, and self-loathing.



Stuart Englander
Curated Newsletters

If it comes to mind, I usually write about it. Lucky for you I don’t always publish it. Stuff I do post goes to your inbox from