Now That It’s Hit the Fan

Using our current discord as the fertilizer for a better culture.

Curated Newsletters


Photo by Joseph Chan on Unsplash

This week’s insurrection has brought to a head all the inflammatory incitement our president has been fomenting for the past four-plus years. Sure, there’s hope because the sun is about to set on his disastrously divisive administration. But because one man goes away doesn’t mean the problems go away. (And he’ll still be very public, by the way, just without power or a sanctioned platform.) The worst thing we can do at the beginning of a new administration is to turn away from this — sweep it under the rug and pretend that we’re moving forward when we’re simply walking with blinders on. I’m concerned about this because, historically, that’s what we’ve done more often than not.

I am, however, hopeful for our future. And the reason why can most appropriately be explained through an environmental metaphor — an agricultural practice known as regenerative farming. You can learn about it by listening to this past week’s episode of the terrific podcast, “How to Save a Planet.”

Regenerative farming uses the natural cycle to agriculture’s advantage. It takes time, but the whole goal of it isn’t just bigger harvests, it’s creating a healthier soil — and thereby healthier ecosystem — that leads to better harvests and actually helps fight climate…



Curated Newsletters

A husband and wife team exploring the topics we are passionate about, both individually and together.