Ravyne Hawke’s Promptly Written Daily Special Poetry Prompt for December 11th

Oh So Alone on an Island in a Sea of Humanity

A rondeau of self-reliance

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
3 min readDec 17, 2021


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For more months than I care to count
the divide continues to mount
Grains of sand slip through my fingers
On the beach I still malinger
My truth society will discount

Must act now for my own account
Show the world I am paramount
Stand up front as lead singer
Oh so alone on an island in a sea of humanity

Prey on sheep this stealthy catamount
Conformity I shall surmount
Liberty bell I shall be the ringer
Take notice here comes a zinger
Drivers of the herd shall now dismount
Oh so alone on an island in a sea of humanity

The prompt:

Choose 5 of the following 10 words and write a poem. You may use any tense of the verb and any form of the word.

mail, read, stem, prey, grain, act, month, oh, divide, notice
(I bolded the 7 words I used — the



Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Curated Newsletters

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.