On Sound…

and musings of Johann Sebastian Bach

Brooklyn Muse (editor)


Earth Sings Softly © Brooklyn Muse

Listen and silent have the same letters.

Nature’s voice reverberates within the earth.

Majestic properties live in the whisper of the trees,

the rhythm of the water, and the call of the wind.

Stillness is the key to peace within the soul.

Civilization and industrialization bring noise to our lives.

Loudness fogs memory and focus.

Earth is the silent healer of both mind and spirit.

Can you hear the audible call of Earth’s rhythms?

Are you still enough to have your heart feel the pulse of life?

Are you aware that the breath of the wind caresses your face?

Do you feel the tone of rain falling on your skin?

Do you see the mood of the trail beating beneath your feet?

Might you feel the sound of gentle snowfall cooling your soul?

Are you ever just quiet?

Do you ever ask those you are with to just be quiet and listen?

Few people are in tune with their ancestral roots.



Brooklyn Muse (editor)

NYC area -educator. writer. editor. photographer. dreamer. treasure hunter. mountains. beach. city. all images ©️ Brooklyn Muse...https://theantiqueloft.com/