Once Again, I Was the Only Black Person at a Wedding

Hey look honey, a Black person. Get the camera.

G Correia
Curated Newsletters


Photo by simoon simoon on Unsplash

Yet again I found myself in another precarious situation where I was the only Black person in a sea of white people. This past weekend, I accompanied my wife to her friend’s daughter’s wedding. With the exception of two other guests, I knew not a soul at this shindig. Typical. I was the plus one so my attendance mattered not at all in the grand scheme of things.

The first time my presence was noted was right before the wedding party took the stage. We had arrived late due to inclement weather and sneaked our way in through the back door. Within seconds, as if the collective sensed a disturbance in the force, hundreds of eyes diverted from the arbor to the 6’4” Black man standing at the back of the tent.

Post the vows, I couldn’t get to our table fast enough. There, I could remain unnoticed for the rest of the evening, or so I thought.


My wife, who took advantage of the open bar, got up at one point to go to the bathroom leaving me alone to fend off the inquisition. This is usually the case when you are the only person of color for miles around. All of a sudden you become the focus of every white person within eyeshot — like a captive animal on display…



G Correia
Curated Newsletters

Taking up space and proud to be average | Writing about life and trying to make sense of it all | Editor of Freethinkr | Maker of pancakes