One Simple Reason Why My Husband and I Won’t Raise Our Daughter in the U.S.

It’s not (just) guns and lack of free healthcare

Anastasia Frugaard


Photo by Jeremiah Lawrence on Unsplash

My daughter, born in Los Angeles, will turn two in a few months.

My Danish husband and I can’t help but talk about what future we want for her.

I wish I wanted to raise my daughter in America.

But the truth is, I don’t.

And there’s only one reason for that.

We want a simple life for her, and for ourselves.

Simple as in you can get through the day talking to people without constantly worrying if you just offended someone.

Simple as in you don’t have to re-educate yourself every few months on what’s offensive.

Simple as in people just get along.

Simple as in you can ride your bike everywhere.

Simple as in you only need your car occasionally.

Simple as in walking is the way of life, not a hobby.

Simple as in a friendly stranger touching your kid is normal, and not a reason to call 911.

Simple as in our daughter can always walk to school alone, safely.

