
A Poem

J.D. Harms
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Dan-Cristian Pădureț on Unsplashv

Depleted rights, enhanced segregation
a blaming of the unsuspecting
the riot of the cancellation charge
Stacked on top of each other
breathing in the safer air
the commitment to solitude making hermits
out of all of us
vicious figures who’ve destroyed every
mirror left standing
The month-old breath you’ve been holding
has to escape sometime
so that the poem doesn’t begin to get sour
Hiding in the figures of people
we don’t recognize
stripped of the agony of actually watching death
move through the dying
and turning around like you need a new orbit
And you keep looking for order
but are only finding more walls

J.D. Harms 2020



J.D. Harms
Curated Newsletters

Writing to share beauty and pain. None of us are alone in either.