Ordinary People Spoke Out About The Seven Republican Senators

They were brave enough to vote to convict Trump

Floyd Mori
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Jose M. on Unsplash

The impeachment trial ended with an acquittal

Six other Republican senators were willing to join with Senator Mitt Romney to vote to convict Donald Trump in his impeachment trial. Romney was the only Republican senator who voted to impeach at the senate trial held for Donald Trump after the House of Representatives impeached him the first time. These seven were the brave ones who were willing to vote to convict Trump for inciting the Capitol riots.

No one could dispute that the insurrection at the Capitol was encouraged and incited by Trump. His lawyers tried to say that he did not know that Vice President Pence was in danger. Others confirmed Trump’s involvement.

After the verdict was in that 57 senators had voted to convict and 43 had voted to acquit, Senator Chuck Schumer spoke on the Senate floor. He stated that the House Managers had presented effective evidence that they should all have voted to convict. He stated that the 43 senators who voted to acquit would go down in history for their cowardice in continuing to support a disgraced President.

Senator Mitch McConnell accused Trump of being practically and morally responsible for the insurrection of the…



Floyd Mori
Curated Newsletters

Floyd Mori, born in Utah, is a former College Teacher, Mayor, CA State Assemblyman, Consultant, and CEO for Nonprofits. www.thejapaneseamericanstory.com.