Organisational Culture Made Simple

Why your Organisational Culture can Be Changed and Transformed

Dr Michael Heng


Image by Makalu from Pixabay

The understanding of culture is central in any transformation of organisations. There is as yet any consensus as to what the concept of culture really mean. The definitions of “culture” ranged from the simplistic “…the way we do things round here” to the profound “…the set of habitual and traditional ways of thinking, feeling and reacting that are characteristic of the ways a particular (organisation) meets its problems at a particular point in time” These are in addition to more than 164 other different definitions of culture.

The concept of culture has its roots in anthropology, where even anthropologists have not agreed to a common acceptable definition for it. It is understandable therefore to see “organisational culture” as just a polemical concept since it has no clear, unambiguous definition.

What is Organisational Culture?

Generally, culture refers to a system of attitudes, values and knowledge that is widely shared, consciously and unconsciously, within a society and propagated through learning from generation to generation. There is some degree of convergence of the view that culture refers to “a set of shared values and beliefs” and acting the “normative glue” that holds an…



Dr Michael Heng

Top 50 Global Thought Leader and Influencer on CSR, Explorer, Enabler. Top Writer in Poetry. Drives ventures and enterprises. ILLUMINATION Editor and Writer.