Our Body Speaks

We must learn to listen


My life is meticulously prioritized. As an only parent, responding to the needs of my child is what is most important to me. Fulfilling my mission to ignite family engagement in education is my secondary function in life. However, sometimes it must become my tertiary obligation because as the popularized saying goes,

“life happens”.

As I have worked through these priorities, I have been feeling physically and intellectually sluggish in recent months. My ability to write and consistently produce published stories and perform other activities that I consider routine have been impacted. I concluded that writer’s block consumed me and I simply needed a break from working so hard.

I paused various areas of my life and changed my daily routines but the feeling of sluggishness intensified. Thoughts to seek medical attention were ignored. I knew something was wrong within my body but fear confronted me. Deep inside my being I made a conscience decision to avoid getting help for the symptoms that I experienced because I was afraid there was a possible diagnosis that was very serious. At a very low period in my life, I deliberately placed documents pertaining to my final arrangements in a highly visible location in my home so that a family member would…



Dr. Deborah M. Vereen-Family Engagement Influencer
Curated Newsletters

Retired principal and professor who writes about motherhood, parents, education, positive school partnerships, Christianity, relationships, and family