Patient Partners Push Patient-Oriented Research Another Step Forward!

Caregivers for elderly / chronically ill spouses were patient partners on a research team that studied stress in patients with chronic critical respiratory illness.

Rich Sobel
Curated Newsletters
9 min readJan 31, 2021


“I just, feel that they, they forget that this is where the people live.”

“They don’t take the time. They don’t see who I am. I’m invisible.”

“It feels like, they just left you in a room, room to die.”

These are some of the feelings that patients communicated in a recently published study from a Fraser Health research team that also included two Patient Partners as members of the research team.

Umm… did you say Patient Partners? I’ve never heard of any patient called a partner, before.

Frankly, I’m not surprised. Welcome to patient-oriented research.

What?! You never heard of patient-oriented research either?

Don’t worry.

In this article, I’ll introduce you to the wonderful new world of patient-oriented research and patient…



Rich Sobel
Curated Newsletters

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