People With These 3 Personality Traits Are the Most Attractive

Many times, beauty is overrated.

Godofredo Rojas
Curated Newsletters


“There’s nothing more attractive than someone with a passion for something, who looks at things positively and is always seeking to better themselves. “— Unknown

Be careful that you don’t let in people who are wearing a mask to make themselves seem more attractive on the inside.

On the other hand, have you ever noticed this?

While you’re getting a coffee in a restaurant, suddenly a new couple is looking for a table to sit down at. Then you perceive them as an unusual couple, thinking deep inside: what is she doing with that guy or vice-versa?

Hopefully, it isn't just me, but that thought popped up in my head a couple of times.

What is the secret that a person has possessed to keep beautiful people close to them? For some people, appearance is a priority. Meanwhile, others just do not pay much attention to it.

But we cannot deny that appearance is essential in our communications and relationship every day. Sometimes we don't even realize it, but we approach people and think they’re smarter because of their beauty.

Appearance isn’t a primary requisite, but we shouldn't ignore it nowadays. I remember what my…



Godofredo Rojas
Curated Newsletters

Trader by Day, Writer by Night. I pour my love of the market's ebbs to unpacks the complexities of day trading, personal growth, and financial savvy.