Preparing For a ‘Thanksgiving State of Mind’

Three points of gratitude

Jill Ebstein
Curated Newsletters
4 min readNov 24, 2020


Unsplash: Pro Church Media

This is the time of year I get misty-eyed. Now that October is in our rear-view mirror, I’ve got Thanksgiving on my mind, and with that comes memories. As a child, Thanksgiving was my absolute favorite holiday with a house full of happy noise.

I remember using a balloon to play volleyball over my parents’ bed with cousins and sibs. Grabbing orange juice ice cubes with a maraschino cherry in the middle (intended for mixed drinks) and placing pitted-olives on our fingertips was another favorite.

Decades later, my husband and I have become Thanksgiving hosts, and along the way, we’ve developed our own traditions. We typically sit 20 around the table and start by singing, “‘Tis a gift to be simple,” followed by, “We gather together.”

We take turns sharing what we are thankful for. My husband provides a kernel of knowledge about some eclectic yet interesting topic. One year we learned about Tecumseh, a celebrated Native American leader.

So now the problem: COVID and politics have made it hard for me to get into a “Thanksgiving State of Mind.” How will we “gather together” meaningfully but distanced, especially given our political divides even within families?



Jill Ebstein
Curated Newsletters

I’m about dogs, our lovable and peculiar families, business, and writing in a wide lane, including fiction. I’m a positivity washer too.