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Principles to Help you Solve your Problem (Part 2/2) #26

Christian B. Mbayabu
Curated Newsletters
5 min readJun 8, 2021


This story is a continuation of the previous one…

5. Rest

When people notice how good you are at solving your problem, they will turn to you more often whenever they need you. This is a good thing, because it shows that you solve your problem well and that others are beginning to recognize how valuable you are to them. However, if you don’t know how to handle this, you may suffer. Let me explain. The better a computer scientist is, the more people want to work with him, and the less time he has for himself. If he doesn’t know how to balance his professional and personal life, the result will be that, he will be good at solving people’s computer problems in order to make them happy; but he himself will be unhappy, because he will be overwhelmed by people’s multiple demands.

Resting also allows you to have enough energy to solve your problem, so saying that you don’t have time to rest because you are too busy serving others is not a valid reason.


In this response, we talked about people like you and me, who have a burden within them, a burden that even prevents them from sleeping to such an extent that they are extremely determined to put an end to it even at the risk of their lives. People like David who even agreed to put his life in danger by confronting Goliath because he was tired of hearing Goliath insulting his God and humiliating his people — like Mahatma Gandhi who went on hunger strike because he could not accept to see the suffering of his people, to see their freedom and rights being trampled underfoot — like Nelson Mandela who, despite the suffering he had endured, jail and so on, had never agreed to give up his struggle to get the advantages, interests and benefits offered to him by the settlers in return.

Perhaps as you read this story, you are asking yourself, “What is the problem I am called upon to solve? Or maybe you already know what your problem is. One thing is certain, this problem, this burden will always remain with you, and sometimes it will be hard for you to forget it. You may be misunderstood, or not even understood at all by your loved ones, by the people around you because of this burden.

Don’t be surprised to see a teacher go back over and over again to a teaching he has already given, or to see a businessman go back to a business or project in which he previously failed, because in reality what matters is not the number of times you win or fail, but the relief and calm you get after having, like a pregnant woman, taken out her child or fathered her baby.

Imagine how beautiful the world would be, if everyone knew their problem and everyone could solve it — imagine how beautiful the world would be, a better place to live, than it already is. The reality is that today, many people still haven’t discovered their problems. But the good news is that you, you can discover yours and realize it, and to do so, all you have to do is ask the one who put this burden in you for the world: your Creator.

You need to know that the impact of a person who solves his or her problem in the world is so great that it is important for you to consider it. Today Moses, of whom the Bible tells us, the one who brought Israel out of slavery in Egypt (1), is making a tremendous name for himself because he solved his problem, and the resulting success goes even beyond Israel.

(1) That night Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron and said to them, “Rise up, come out from among my people, you and the children of Israel. Go and serve the LORD, as you have said.

In the end, the question to be asked is, like the pregnant woman, what kind of pregnancy you have in you, which you have not yet delivered or given birth to. Be reassured that the world is waiting for the problem you are called upon to solve to make the world a better place. If there is an aspect of the world we live in that you don’t like, solve it, and your children will live in a better world thanks of you.

It’s true that it won’t be easy for you, and it’s true for everyone, but rest assured, like Paul (one of the apostles who worked with Jesus and wrote several books found in the New Testament in the Bible) you will be truly happy, you will feel that you have accomplished your duty and you will be able to say that I have accomplished everything, that I have done everything, that I have left everything I came to give to the world, that now I can leave empty, that all my cup has been poured out (2).

(2) And though I serve as a drink-offering for the sacrifice and for the service of your faith, I rejoice, and I rejoice with you all.

If you already know what your problem is, my prayer is that this answer will prompt you to stop observing the problem, and start solving it, or preparing to solve it. If you don’t know your problem yet, my prayer is that this answer has given you clues as to what your problem is.

As the Dr. Myles Munroe often said, “The cemetery is the richest place in the world, for many have died with books they should have written, paintings they should have painted, hunts they should have sung, businesses they should have created that would have solved problems here on earth. But my prayer is that you will not make the cemetery richer the day you die, because you will have done everything here on earth, before you go. So before you die you will be able to say, like Jesus, that you have accomplished everything (at least everything you were called to accomplish) (3). It will not be easy, but by the grace of God, we are enabled to obey His law.

(3) When Jesus had taken the vinegar, he said, “It is finished. And he bowed his head and gave up the spirit.

Question of the week: Are you willing to make all the sacrifices necessary to solve your problem ?

If you know someone who might helped by this story, feel free to share it with them. You can also follow my account, to not miss my next stories on the subject.

May the Grace of God help us to obey His Law.

Thank you for reading me :-)


(1) Exodus 12:31

(2) Philippians 2:17

(3) John 19:30



Christian B. Mbayabu
Curated Newsletters

I write engaging articles on human psychology, philosophy and business.