Procrastination Can Be Advantageous

How you procrastinate is what matters

Ankit Das
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Ola Dapo from Pexels

Productive and procrastinating. You might think that these two words are not meant to stay together. Either you’re productive or procrastinating, right? Well, it’s not necessarily black and white. Here I will try to explain why it is possible to be a massive procrastinator while still doing a ton of work.

Okay, let’s look at it this way, anything you do could be categorized into 3 levels of importance. Level 1, level 2, and level 3.

Level 1 is the most important. This is where your most crucial work fits. Performing these tasks as early as possible is necessary because they will have the greatest impact on your life. For example, writing a thesis for your master’s degree, carrying out a large project for your work, planning your finances. The sooner you complete these tasks, the better.

Then we have level 2. These activities are still important, but not as important as your main task at level 1. Some things that fall under this level are: answering emails, cleaning the house, going to the gym. You should do these tasks when you have free time and you are not working at level 1. When working at level 2, you are still productive.

Finally, we have level 3. This is where anything that doesn’t need to be done at all falls



Ankit Das
Curated Newsletters

An engineer, a consistent learner, and full of enthusiasm. Writes about self-improvement, fitness, and sometimes money.